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Joshua S. Las Vegas, NV
Melany W. San Jose, CA
Esteban C. Miami, FL
Tara S. New York, NY
The slicer project
5 / 24
Metamovies reworked
28 / 31
Fast Pizza redesign
25 / 39

Call Danny at Colby's

Today - 11:30am

Meeting with Alice

Today - 01:00pm

Answer Annie's message

Today - 01:45pm

Send new campaign

Today - 02:30pm

Project review

Today - 03:30pm

Call Trisha Jackson

Today - 05:00pm

Write proposal for Don

Today - 06:00pm


Huro ships with a dead simple and versatile loader. This loader is mostly CSS based and gets activated by toggling a class on the parent with Javascript. The main loader parent wrapper class adds the relative position to the target. The loader element's size can be change with classes: available classes are is-small, is-large and is-xl. Please refer to the code example for more details about usage.

      <!--Parent element who will contain the loader-->
      <div class="has-loader">
          <!--Loader element-->
          <div class="h-loader-wrapper">
              <div class="loader is-small is-loading"></div>

I can be used as is in any layout. L Cards are simple containers that can hold any type of content, from simple plain text to more structured markup.

I can be used as is in any layout. L Cards are simple containers that can hold any type of content, from simple plain text to more structured markup.

I can be used as is in any layout. L Cards are simple containers that can hold any type of content, from simple plain text to more structured markup.

I can be used as is in any layout. L Cards are simple containers that can hold any type of content, from simple plain text to more structured markup.